Nobody in my household is in school this year, but individuals close to us are and the “Back to School” buzz is in the air.

What do you associate with September? How will your September of 2020 be different from normal?

When I was growing up, September brought the cool of autumn, with the nerves and thrill of a new schedule. I could look forward to weeks of readjustment to routine after the summer holidays, and a backpack heavy with books and binders. In my years since university, “September” has meant setting goals, outdoor play, and joyous occasions. The weather becomes perfect for long bike rides, playing Ultimate, or training for a race. We’ve attended the weddings of dear friends in September. It’s also a month to celebrate in my family, and in past years my husband and I have enjoyed out-of-town getaways to that end.

Times have changed

This year has undoubtedly necessitated some changes to routine for everyone. Nevertheless, we can and should still set goals and attain them. I recently learned that friends of mine have just opened their own Japanese-style hotel! Your goals might look different, but I hope they still involve sharing your gifts and bettering someone else’s day. I support you! Plus, if you need a proofreader or someone to build a website on the path to your goals, I can give you a hand. Otherwise, I’m rooting for you, friend!

We all need somebody to lean on

As for the rest of my September dreams, we have thankfully spent time outdoors most days this year, breathing fresh air and soaking up the sun. These days, we don’t have quite as many social gatherings, and certainly not indoors with a large group. In these peculiar times, though, I am blessed by friends and family with whom I can still share life and memories. Some mark major milestones this year; some are on the other side of the globe… and some are just there for me, praying, supporting, and inspiring.

The inescapable BTS mentality

I wrote an acrostic in honour of September and the renewal of academic pursuits it represents for many of us:

Schools enroll people to educate minds; books enlighten readers.